Guarantee -100% Satisfaction 

B2B – Business Solutions


We have extensive experience in the use and management of Bar control Systems and we know that the Provargo System is the best product available on the market, anywhere in the world!

Provargo’s goal is to be the most innovative supplier of Dosing Systems on the market. Always managing prices that even the smallest companies give, a recovery time of the Investment ranging from 1 to 6 months.

We are proud to say that we are the only ones in Mexico that have the Experience and Technology to implement controls in the Bar area; Thanks to this, we offer the Consulting and Audit service to publicize the efficiency of your Bar and find the weak or highest risk points such as: liquor or monetary losses. We offer personalized professional attention should you need it.

Main Benefits:

  • Increase in Profits.
  • Exact portions in each glass.
  • Quick and controlled dosage.
  • Eliminates human errors and avoids not charging the client.
  • You get the peace of mind of knowing “WHAT AND HOW MUCH” is served at the Bar.
  • Complete Administration.
  • Inventory control.
  • Remote monitoring of multiple bars and personnel within your business.
  • Easy to set up and use.
  • Report each serving served.
  • Quick Return on
  • Investment (ROI)